Why Citizen Advocacy?
Imagine a life over which you have little control.
You have no say in where you live, with whom you live, and what you do each day.
Imagine a life in which most of the people are paid to be there.
The time they spend with you is a financial transaction, punctuated by the clock on-clock off routine of their work schedule.
Imagine a life in which the risk of abuse and neglect is heightened and constant.
Your safety is always in jeopardy because no one has your back.
How would that life feel?
This is the lived reality of many people with an intellectual disability. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
We invite you to imagine a different life for people with an intellectual disability.
Imagine a different life, because someone is prepared to step in and level the unlevel playing field. Citizen Advocacy's vision is based on the belief that supportive, long-lasting relationships for people with an intellectual disability offer the best opportunity for a positive future. It’s a vision with an unshakable faith in the power of committed relationships, through which lives can be touched and changed—one person at a time.
You can help change the game for people with an intellectual disability. A sliding-doors moment lies ahead. Become invested in the future of people with an intellectual disability by supporting Citizen Advocacy. It’s an investment that will pay real dividends. It’s an investment that will change the course and fate of someone’s life. Join us in making it happen.

Watch the Advancing Citizen Advocacy Conference
A wonderful amount of richly informative content was presented by many people from across the world at the Advancing Citizen Advocacy Conference, held in Melbourne Australia in February of 2023.
Now, through the efforts of the Citizen Advocacy Trust of Australia, you can watch the presentations from the conference completely free, on YouTube.